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How to fix Epson T30 printer red light flashing and appear the error message “The printer’s ink Pads are at the end of their service life. Please contact the Epson Support” by reset your Epson T30 printer’s Waste ink counter with Epson T30 RESSETTER program.
In case the Epson T30 printer has the waste ink counter overflow, you can fix it by yourself by using WIC Reset Tool to reset the waste ink counter of Epson T30 printer back to 0% then your printer can work again smoothly. This is a common problem and this error also happens regularly on Epson printer.
If you don’t know how to repair and you bring it to the guarantee store, you will have to pay a higher fee and waste a lot of time. So you should follow this post to learn more and then you can fix it by yourself.
Understand the Waste Ink Counter and how to repair this
Epson Resetter Software
The users who use the Epson T30 printer nearly got on with this error. Some of them waste a lot of money for fixing this error. However, you can fix it on your own in case it has this problem after you check your printer carefully.
How to realize the Waste Ink Counter Overflow in Epson T30 printer
These are 3 steps to sure that your Epson T30 printer is overflowed or not:
– When Waste ink counter is overflowed, two red lights of the printer will blink continuously.
– Check the notifications of the computer if you see “The Printer’s Ink Pad is at the end of its service life. Please contact Epson Support” and also “The Printer’s Ink Pads are at the end of their service life. Please contact Epson Support” that means your waste ink counter is overflowed, you have to reset it back to 0% to continue using.

– Let’s download Epson T30 Resetter and also WIC RESET TOOL then connect with the computer by USB cable, connect computer to the internet, then choose the Epson T30 printer on the Wicreset’s left sidebar then click “Read Waste Counters” to check the number of Waste Ink Counter. In case one of them is more than 100% that means your Waste Ink Counter is overflowed.
What is Epson T30 Waste ink pad? What is Epson T30 Waste ink counter?
Waste Ink Pads are actually a number of porous pads in the Epson T30 printer that collect, distribute, and very importantly contain the ink that is not used on printed pages (Waste Ink).
Waste Ink is collected by these pads during the initial setup of the product, during cleaning cycles and when printing borderless photographs.
So one time it can be overflowed because it could not absorb ink anymore then the ink will leak from the bottom of the Epson T30 printer.
The printer counts how much ink flow to waste ink pad and stores this number into printer’s memory.
This number is called Protection Counter and also Waste Ink Counter.
What is Epson T30 Waste ink counter overflow?
To prevent ink leaking outside the Epson T30 printer from Waste ink Pad, the waste ink counter may be overflowed and printer will stop.
Full waste ink counter is 100%. Overflow means that counters values are more than 100%. If one or two counters are overflow – you can’t print – you have to RESET WASTE INK COUNTERS
The overflowing ink can make the printer dirty and be broken down so the waste ink tray prevents this problem by this flowing process, before the waste ink is full and can be overflowed, the waste ink counter overflow to guarantee the printer’s safety.
So when the waste ink counter is full, you can’t print anymore and you will receive the notification about the full waste ink counter.
There are a lot of waste ink counters in Epson T30 printer therefore if one of them is more than 100%, the printer will stop printing and all you need is resetting the waste ink counter back to 0% as well as clean the waste ink tray.
How to avoid the waste ink pad overflowing.
After you reset the waste ink counter back to 0% many times and the printers will go on working and let the waste ink flow into tray so the waste ink tray will be full soon and then overflow. This problem affect directly to printer so you need an useful solution to avoid the waste ink pad overflowing.
The first way: After resetting the waste ink counter, you should disassemble the waste ink pad and use the device to take all the waste ink the clean the waste ink pad to contain the waste ink.
But when you use this way, you need to open the printer regularly so it is inconvenient so you should see the next method to avoid this problems.
The second way: you can use a bottle and a segment conductor is suitable with the Epson T30 printer’s conductor then let the waste ink flow into the conductor that is connected with the bottle
When the waste ink bottle is almost full, you only need to the segment conductor and clean it to reuse.
Note: Let’s set the bottle under the printer to make the flowing process fluently. If you put the bottle higher than the bottom of the Epson T30 printer, the waste ink will not flow out
Epson L360 Ink Pad Resetter
How to reset Epson T30 printer Waste ink counter
Epson Resetter Download
Step 1: Download Epson T30 resetter and setup
You can download by click on one of the links:
– Download Epson T30 resetter for Windows (.zip): Download here
– Download Epson T30 resetter for Windows (.rar): Download here
– Download Epson T30 resetter for Windows (Mirror): Download here
or go to download page here: Download Epson T30 Resetter
How to setting up WIC Reset Utility:
Step 1.1: Run Wicreset.exe file, click “Yes“, click “I accept the agreement“.
And now click “Next” to continue
Step 1.2: Now, select distination location to install WIC Reset Utility. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse then select a folder. If you want to install Epson T30 resetter in default location, click Next to continue
Then, click Next when “Select Start Menu Folder” window appears, if you don’t want to create a start menu folder click on “Don’t create a Start Menu folder“.

Step 1.3: Click to check “Create a desktop shortcut” then click Next to continue install Epson T30 resetter
Step 1.4: Click Install to continue with the WIC Reset installation
Please wait. Setup has finished installing Epson T30 resetter on your computer when you see the Window: “Completing the WicReset Setup Wizard“
And this is WIC Reset Tool (Epson T30 resetter)
Step 2: Buy the WIC Reset Key
You can buy the WIC RESET KEY with Paypal, VISA, Master Card or Webmoney. ONE RESET KEY = $8.99 (This is One Time Reset Key)
Step 2.1:Click here to go to Buy Page, and also visit:
Step 2.2: Enter the number of keys you want to buy in to Quantity box.
Step 2.3: Click on ADD TO CART button, then click Checkout with Paypal to pay the reset key and get the reset key from your email (You will receive the reset key in less than 10 seconds).
if you pay the reset key with Webmoney, please send money to WMZ Wallet: Z230787931543 then contact us ( to get the reset key
Step 3: Instruction on how to reset your Epson T30 printer’s Waste Ink Counters
Please watch this video to know how to reset your Epson T30 printer’s Waste ink counters by using Epson T30 resetter (WIC Reset Tool.)
If you have any problem with Epson T30 resetter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.